• Data Privacy Statement | DSGVO

    This Data Privacy Statement aims to inform you about the data processing activities of the Liniquos Group.

    How does LINIQUOS Group use your personal data?

    Liniquos needs to process your data to perform its relationship with you, if any, which includes receiving and executing your requests, file storage purposes, and related activities. As such purposes require Liniquos to process your or your employees’ data (in particular contact information), the data processing is based on performance of a contract and, where data are processed that are not necessary for such contract performance and in the absence of a particular declaration of consent, on compliance with a legal obligation or Liniquos’s legitimate interests in the respective data processing activities. Such legitimate interests could be, for instance, the ability to ensure smooth business relations.

    In connection with the performance of our relationship, if any, it might be necessary to share your or your employees’ data with partners or service providers of Liniquos. Such data recipients can either be located within or outside of Europe. If your data is shared with a data recipient located outside the EEA Liniquos will ensure compliance with European data protection standards, for instance by concluding the standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission. Your data will only be disclosed to competent authorities if such disclosure is required by law.

    How long will your data be retained?

    Liniquos generally stores your data during the existence of our relationship, if any. In addition, Liniquos is required to satisfy multiple statutory data retention obligations, such as accounting retention requirements, due to which Liniquos needs to store some of your data beyond the termination of our relationship. Moreover, Liniquos retains your data for as long necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of claims relating to our relationship, if any.

    Your rights concerning the processing of your data

    The EU General Data Protection Regulation grants you a number of rights regarding the processing of your personal data, most importantly the following:

    • You have the right to request information about the origin of your data, the categories of data processed, retention periods applicable to your data, the recipients in case of data transfers and the purposes of the data processing, among other things.
    • If Liniquos processes data about you that is inaccurate or incomplete you can ask for your data to be rectified or completed.
    • Under certain conditions you can ask for your data to be deleted or the processing activities to be restricted.
    • Even if your personal data are correct and complete and legitimately processed by Liniquos you are entitled to object to the processing of your data. However, this right to objection is limited to justified individual instances only.
    • Under certain circumstances you are entitled to receive your data, which you provided to Liniquos, in a commonly used and machine-readable format or to request your data to be transferred to a third party directly.
    • In instances where Liniquos processes your data based on your informed consent you are entitled to revoke your consent at any time, which will prevent Liniquos from further processing your data for the purposes indicated in the consent declaration.

    If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above please consult Liniquos (contact details below).

    Although LINIQUOS Group goes to great lengths to ensure your data’s confidentiality and integrity, differences in opinion may nevertheless occur from time to time. If you feel that Liniquos is not handling your data in line with applicable data protection laws you can contact the LINIQUOS Group  (email: liniquos@liniquos.at). Furthermore, you are entitled to file a claim with the data protection authority in your country.

    How to contact us

    Please contact the LINIQUOS Group  (email: liniquos@liniquos.at) in case you have any queries regarding the processing of personal data in relation to our business relations.


    LINIQUOS Group via its website www.liniquos.at neither offers any products nor services. The website represents only a electronic business card of The LINIQUOS Group and its president and owner.